Grab Bag – Bicycle Skirt Guard


Sorry the post is so late! Wednesday night one of my dogs was sick all night so I got almost no sleep so last night I went to bed early to make up for it!

This week for Grab Bag I have something useful, well, if you’re a bike rider that is.


How cute is that crocheted skirt guard? Even better, you can get the pattern here!

Weekly Update – The Calm Before Vacation


I’ve got a few updates to share this week.  I didn’t get as much done as I’d hoped but I’m headed to Disney World next week (Yay!) and so I’ve been running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to squeeze in everything I need to before hand. Also on that note instead of regular posts next week I’m going to try my hardest to post a picture from my trip everyday instead then it will be back to regular posts after that!

First up is a fair isle hat I’m working on for a friend:Image

It doesn’t look like much but it will have owls on it when I’m done! I promised her this back in a February and I figured since winter is around the corner I should maybe get it done.  Also, I feel guilty about starting my shawl before I finish this.

Next up is my Nanoblock set:


I’ll probably finish it this week.  It will be bitter sweet but I guess I can finish my Millennium Falcon next!

And finally, The Spaced Cross Stitch:


I didn’t get as much done on this as I would have liked this week but I have the day off for the holiday so maybe I’ll be able to get some work done on it.

Weekly Update – A Little Bit of E’rything


You guys. I. Am. Exhausted.  I’ve been a little bit of everywhere these past few weeks. Yesterday was a very good friend’s birthday party and then I had to do a quick turn around to be at work for 8:30 this morning.  I don’t usually work weekends so it was HARD.

Anyway, I have all kinds of updates for you today! First up is my Nanoblock set:

ImageI could have gotten so much more done on this but I don’t ever want to finish it 😦 For this exact reason I have a half finished Lego Millennium Falcon in my closet…

Next up is the Spaced Cross Stitch:

ImageI have no idea how I had any time at all to work on this, guys.  But I did! As you can tell I’m chugging right along. We got a corner of Daisy’s head now and I’m working on the “ACE” in “Spaced.”  After seeing The World’s End twice this weekend I am so pumped to work on this more!

Finally, we’ve got this beauty:


 It’s three skeins of Juniper Moon Farm‘s Moonshine in Swimming pool. I’ve been following Susan’s blog for so long now I don’t even remember how I found it.  Needless to say I was ecstatic when I found it when I went to go use a gift certificate at a local yarn shop, Downtown Knits. I am now ruined. I’ll never be able to buy yarn at a chain store ever again.

I haven’t started anything yet but I plan on making this shawl with it:


Whew. That was a mighty post for me. Now I must cross stitch and watch episodes of Doctor Who.




TV/Movie Wednesday!


I know I said I would be bringing you a second current project update on Wednesdays but I lied!  I’ve decided that Wednesdays will be for all things Television and Movie related! 

I kind of panicked today because I had nothing lined up but that’s when I decided to take to Etsy and see what I could find.  Well, I succeeded and found GypsyStreetStuff!  She has all kinds of excellent crocheted goodies!  Here are my favorites:


Boba Fett Hat


Jake the Dog



I lust after that Boba Fett hat. Amazing!

Tanooki Mario.


Hey you guys out there! Sorry for being absent so much lately. I was busy packing up and moving into a new apartment. I’m all moved in, far from being all unpacked but settled enough to, hopefully, show up here more often.

As soon as I saw this amigarumi Mario over at Sprite Stitch I had to stop what I was doing (admittedly, not much) and post right away.

Is he not adorable? Sadly the page where he’s originally from is not in English so I don’t know who to credit 😦 But props to who ever it was! TOO CUTE!

EDIT: Creator Michelle Rheaume has even more Mario’s for sale in her Etsy store! 🙂 CHECK IT OUT!

via [Sprite Stitch]

Flower Hats.


Today my friend Maria, co-creator of R.I.P. Clothing, came over.  We decided to have a crafting day.  We were gonna break out the sewing machines and kick it old skool.  Turns out my sewing machine doesn’t work. Dumb.  Instead I taught Maria how to crochet!  We made hats, which is how I learned to read a crochet pattern, and how to make anything useful.  We used this pattern.

Yeah, we cute.

Needless to say, I think Maria picked it up really fast and did a great job! 🙂 She seems excited to have another crochet day soon!

Note: Sweet, talking Shaun of the Dead figure in the back.  How’s that for a slice of fried gold?

Mary Jane Slippers.


Hello all! I’m back with some of my own crochet again! 🙂 It’s been a while, I know. I’ve been busy working on larger projects. I did, however, take a break recently to make myself a cute pair of mary jane slippers using scrap yarn.
Mary Jane Slippers

I didn’t have any buttons, so temporarily they are being held closed with a bow made from cotton yarn. They’re bright, fun, and a quick crochet!

FFVII Amigurumi.


Look everyone! I’m still alive. Amazing. I haven’t posted in a while but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been crafting away! I have several crochet projects in the works right now, but they are all fairly big ones, so it may be a while before they’re posted; and as always I still have a cross stitch in progress 😉 Anyway, on with the post!

I found these adorable Final Fantasy VII amigurumi (crocheted) dolls via Sprite Stitch and were created by Oddgumi (flickr link). Adorable and nerdy! And she even has a Sephiroth!

So cute! I wish I would able to make amigurumi. Mine always come out lumpy and sickly looking 😦 I guess I’ll just stick to what I know best and leave the doll making to the masters.

P.S. – also check out her ridiculously cute Hank and Dean Venture dolls! do want.

via[Sprite Stitch]

Soap Savers.


Finally, some more of my own crafting to share.  I’m working on a couple of big projects and sometimes to take a breather from it all I work on something quick.  Last night I decided to make a soap saver since I like to use expensive, swanky bar soap now (thanks to my job).

The only problem with the pattern I used is that my soap is round not rectangular! I got a pretty good idea of what to do as an alternative, unfortunately I ran out of this cute yarn. I managed to find one bar of rectangular soap in my bathroom and used that.


After I took some pictures I immediately started working on the one for the round soap and this was the result:

Add the ruffle and ties to both ends and make it look like a piece of candy! It looks a little too big because the only bar I had right now is half used. While not overly exciting or challenging I can safely say this is the first pattern I have truly altered on my own! 🙂 I’m a little proud of it.

Bubble Headband.


Hello, all.  Here with a quick crochet update.  Finished up this cute and simple head band and thought I would share it.


It’s super simple to make! You just crochet three circles of varying size, stitch them together and then crochet around all three circles. After that, just add yourself ties on both sides. Voila! Quick headband!

